Cross-examination is about obtaining results and telling the story, not just impeaching the witness

What is cross-examination?

Most lawyers would agree:
“Questions on cross-exam solicit a verbal request for admissions.” This is the lawyer definition of cross-exam, but there is more to cross-exmaination than soliciting requests for admissions.

Cross-examination can be taught, learned, and practiced. It is not a battle with the witness, but rather, an opportunity to develop your theme and tell your story through witnesses that belong to your opponent. Cross examination is about obtaining results, not just impeaching. Nonetheless, every time you score a point on cross-examination, such as with an adverse expert, defendant or witness, it counts for two points. Every time you score a point with a favorable witness, such as your own expert or plaintiff, it only counts for half a point. This means you have to work a lot harder to prepare for cross-examination.

Effective cross-examination requires…

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Special Thanks to Advocate Magazine – Journal of Consumer Attorneys Associations for Southern California.

Blog by Los Angeles Trial Attorney – Angel Carrazco, Jr., Esq.